Questions about Colour Analysis
No it doesn’t. I use a system that lasts for life, your season is determined by the genetics of your skin.
By the end of your Colour Analysis you will understand the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ colours that you can dye your hair. If you are warm skin toned then warm colours in your hair will make you look more healthy and alive, whereas if you are cool skin toned you need to stick with cool hair colours. If you dye your hair within the correct tone for your skin, your same season of colours will still look fantastic. Your season never changes. If you have dye in you hair when you come for your Colour Analysis I will cover it up so everything we are looking at is natural. This is also why you need to come with no make up on.
You stay the same season throughout your life. As you go grey you may be happy with your new hair colour or consider dying it. During your Colour Analysis class I will help you understand the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ hair dye colours that will enhance your look.
During the colour analysis process I cover up your hair if you have any dye on it. We then know the analysis is accurate.
Those of us who are cool often look good as we go grey, this is not always the case for those of you who are warm, but some do! If you dye your hair after your Colour Analysis I would recommend a refresh of your seasons colours as it is highly likely your star *** colours will have changed.
We need your skin to be natural. For the analysis a natural tan is fine, but make up or fake tan will not enable us to achieve an accurate result.
With a natural tan you still stay the same season.
You are never too old or too young to benefit from knowing your Colours! I have analysed lovely ladies in their 80’s and children as young as 6.
No. The method I use is down to your genetics, no-ones opinion, neither mine or yours! By the end of your class you will understand how your season is determined by science that you will see for yourself. What can change are your best colours within your season. For example 10 years ago when my hair was all brown I was very good in my summer browns. Now with ash (grey) hair my colours have shifted and my greys and blues are better on me. For this reason I recommend a re-fresh every few years and certainly if your hair has changed colour, naturally or not!
We all want to feel our best whatever our shape and size, your season of colours stay the same for life. Knowing the right colour clothes, make up, scarves and jewellery will make you feel fab during your weight loss journey. No need to delay booking your class.
Many of my clients say knowing their colours actually motivated them to loose weight as they wanted to get to their ideal weight to buy new clothes or to fit into those clothes they no longer could.
Unless it’s a very dramatic weight change your Style Personality details will not change. I offer a complimentary style ‘check up’ after a dramatic weight change if you think you need it.
Your navy, grey or other neutrals will look so much more classy than black if you’re not a Winter. There will also be other fantastic colours according to your season which will be better as a ‘Little Black Dress.’ If you are not Winter we will spend time in your class looking at these other options, especially if at the moment black features largely in your wardrobe. Or you may be Winter and be able to rock black! If you are someone like lots of my clients who say ‘I can wear black as long as I wear a bright top / scarf / lipstick,’ then maybe black is not your best friend.
I’ll never tell you that you can’t wear any colour, you will see for yourself in the mirror your best colours.
I’ll never tell you that you can’t wear a colour. You will see for yourself how some colours and shades look so much better than others.