Lets face it not everyone likes shopping for clothes

You will benefit from a Colour & Style class if you…

  • Want shopping for clothes to be much more enjoyable, easier, satisfying and quicker
  • You want to look good but you don’t want to make a hobby of it
  • Want to ‘up your game’ at work to help with that promotion, creating a bigger impact or adding authority

What to expect

  • You can have your colour and style class in one day or 2 half days
  • Whatever your style or dress sense you will learn valuable skills that will help you shop effectively and easily
  • You will gain the skills and knowledge to develop a wardrobe that works effortlessly for you
  • You will save money as there’ll be no more bad buys
  • You’ll have a wardrobe where all the colours and styles work together, so it’s easier to look great

Most men prefer to do Colour & Style together in 1 day.

Duration: 1 day private class

Price: £425

Includes: A Personal Wallet of your colours to take with you shopping and a Personal Style Guide

You can however do them separately over 2 half days if you prefer.

Contact me


Inside a shop Lisa Fisher Colour and Style